Press Release: Syrian Women’s Political Movement Side Event CSW66 2022
- updated: March 23, 2022
Press Release
Syrian Women’s Political Movement Side Event
CSW66 2022
On the sidelines of the Commission on the Status of Women 66 (CSW66), the Syrian Women’s Political Movement is holding, today, March 23, 2022, under the sponsorship of the Permanent Missions of Canada, France, Germany, Qatar, Sweden, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States to the United Nations, a virtual event entitled:
“Justice from a Feminist Lens”
A Conversation with Syrian Women
This event will highlight the voices of Syrian women in and beyond Syria, identify potential paths towards a more just society in Syria, and call on the international community to push for a meaningful and equitable transition in seeking gender-aware justice. We are grateful to the co-sponsoring missions and look forward to their remarks.
The Syrian Women’s Political Movement is Syria’s first women-led political movement dedicated to advancing women’s rights and political participation in a free and democratic Syria. The Movement aims to increase women’s involvement in all levels of peace processes and participation in official UN-led delegations. In the past year, the Movement developed a deeper understanding of women’s interaction with justice in Syria by consulting a group of over 100 diverse women. From their findings, the Movement drafted a paper identifying the various dimensions of justice and injustice throughout Syria from the perspective of its women.
Through this work, the Movement produced the following seven recommendations for stakeholders to adequately address the realities of women in Syria, including the importance of 1) documenting human rights violations in Syria with gender-aware human rights reports, 2) facilitating accountability opportunities against human rights violators, 3) drafting Syrian laws that protect and address marginalised groups’ needs, 4) developing grounds for reform of the educational system so that it promotes a culture of justice and educates on human rights and non-violence, 5) establishing programs and activities focused on justice, freedom, and democracy education and awareness as a priority, 6) combating of corruption and nepotism through accountability mechanisms and judicial and law enforcement processes, and 7) engaging and supporting civil society and independent organizations, especially feminist and women-led organizations.
Rowaida Kanaan, SWPM member of the National Consultation team and journalist
Khawla Dunia, SWPM member of the Political Committee and feminist political writer
Jomana Seif, SWPM member of the Monitoring Committee and feminist lawyer
Moderator: Ghina Alshoumari, SWPM General Secretariat Member, MENA regional campaigner
After the briefing by the members of the Syrian Women’s Political Movement, remarks will be presented by the United Nations’ Permanent Representatives and Ambassadors of the co-sponsoring members.
The Syrian Women’s Political Movement will host Wafa Mustafa during the open session, and the two members of the SWPM from inside Syria, Kawthar Qshqosh and Hiam Haj Ali, will also deliver their speeches during the open session.
Simultaneous translation will be available in English and Arabic to all interested parties.
The Event’s Webinar Link:
The event will be broadcasted live on SWPM YouTube channel and Facebook page
To read the policy paper “Justice: A Syrian Women’s Perspective” click here
To read the policy paper “Transitional Justice from the Perspective of Syrian Women” click here
To read the policy brief “Cycles of Injustice: A Syrian Women’s Perspective on Justice” click here