Launching the “Young Women Politicians Forum”

In 2015, the Security Council unanimously adopted Resolution 2250, which encouraged states to consider creating mechanisms that would enable young people to participate meaningfully in peacebuilding and prevent the spread of violence around the world. As the first Security Council resolution devoted entirely to youth’s vital and positive role, this resolution frames youth as partners in global efforts to promote international peace and security.

Many countries set their criteria for defining “youth” about the age at which key opportunities are granted support focused on specific needs. The nuances differ from one country to another and from one circumstance to another and depend on the proportionality of some social, cultural, institutional, economic and political factors for each community or group.

Young women of the Syrian Women’s Political Movement

With the increasing demands of Syrian women aspiring for political participation for more equitable opportunities, addressing the multiple challenges that young women face in participating in decision-making and in making their voices heard is more urgent than ever.

And the movement’s belief in learning for continuity and that its young women are a positive and effective force to reach its goals and political vision when providing them with the knowledge and opportunities they need; I decided to highlight and celebrate it, and to make space for a more presence of their energies and voices and their support from the experts in them.

The SWPM began in 2021 to achieve this goal through the “Political Guidance Program”, in which a group of active members committed themselves, forming pairs of female students and female guides who accompany them on their path to achieving their political ambitions. The movement expanded the program today and worked to launch the “Forum for Young Women Politicians.” The movement adopted the age group standard between (20-35 years).

The SWPM is launching this forum today, seeking to create more events and opportunities in the future to provide all means of support for its young women politicians, so that they can contribute to political decision-making in Syria and around the world.

Stay tuned for the events of the forum next spring…