Dreams and Fears of Women in the Open Air
- By: Mona Katoub
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- Updated: February 21, 2021

?What do you want and what do you need here
“I want baby milk and diapers for my son”
“I want clothes for my children, because when we came from our home we couldn’t take our clothes from the shelling, it was cold backthen and they were wearing winter clothes, the weather has changed and it is hot now and the kids stayed in those winter clothes”
“I want cold water to cool my child’s head from the sun”
“I want kitchen utensils and gas so I can cook”
“I want my medicine, I have an injury in my leg from the shelling”
“I want to sleep, i couldn’t sleep for many nights now because of insects”
“My daughter needs surgery”
“I want enough meals, we had one or two meals per weak for the family, when we recieve the meal we ask the kids to wait because all the adults are hungry and fasting, so we all eat that little food for iftar”
What are you afraid of?
“I was afraid after I fled from the shelling and I sit among the trees that the shelling would follow me here”
“i am worried about my children are from the sun and the insects”
“I fear that the owner of the field will come and get us out of here, where will we go?”
“I’m not afraid, I’m not scared for my sake but I’m afraid my children will live their years here”
“This is the second time I’ve been sitting under the olive trees. I’ve been displaced five times so far, from Sinjar to Has to Jabal al Zawya to .. … Sixth time where would I go? “
what is your dream
“I dream of a tent, I dream of shelter”
The dreams, demands and fears of women sitting in the open, sheltering olive trees from shelling, death and sunlight.
Translated By @Act Fot Ghouta