The Syrian Women’s Political Movement Statement on Condemning Violence and Calling for a Political Solution in Accordance with UN Resolution 2254 to Stop the Syrian Bloodshed


At a time when the Syrian regime, in collaboration with its Russian ally, continues to claim more lives in Idlib and Aleppo, an attack by an unidentified drone resulted in the killing of 89 people and the injury of 227 others, including women and children, during a graduation ceremony for military college officers on October 5, 2023, in Homs city. The Syrian regime’s response to the attack was an escalation of brutal shelling on Aleppo and its surrounding villages, resulting in the deaths of more than 12 civilians.

Simultaneously, Turkey initiated a military campaign against military positions in the Kurdish self-administration areas, justifying it as a response to the targeting of the Turkish Ministry of Interior in Ankara by two individuals claimed to have infiltrated from Syrian areas into Turkey. This campaign targeted 22 sites, including electrical and oil facilities in Amuda, Qamishli, and other areas.

We, the Syrian Women’s Political Movement, vehemently condemn all attacks that harm civilians and their interests, regardless of the party responsible. We emphasize that Syrian blood will continue to be shed if the Syrian regime and all relevant parties do not commit to a political solution in accordance with UN Resolution No. 2254, a point reaffirmed daily by the popular movement in Sweida.


Peace to the souls of all Syrian women and men,

And to the entirety of Syrian lands


The General Secretariat of the Syrian Women’s Political Movement

Friday, October 6, 2023