

Their Messages
Their Moments – Geo location
Their Faces


Paris 1st of July 2022 This exhibition comes ten years after the wave of Arab Spring revolutions and examines its repercussions on the current Syrian feminist wave. It also touches on the impact of the Syrian Women’s Political Movement five years after its founding in breaking the stereotyped image of women’s positions. Its energy in moving that wave towards achieving the presence of women in the public sphere and at the political decision making table. The exhibition took place within the framework of the Fourth General conference of the movement gathering nearly a hundred Syrians in 20 countries around the world and held under the slogan “Syrian Women Decision-Makers”. It was held in hybridity; virtually in Syria, with in an person presence in Paris and Istanbul.   Wave It is also called a wave (in plural: waves). In physics it is a form of energy transfer and dynamic disturbance (change of equilibrium). Waves are distinguished from particles by having a set of physical behaviours, including propagation, reflection, refraction, interference, intersection, diffraction, scattering, dispersing. Its properties also differ between material and immaterial mediums, as well as its forms of movement as it may move horizontally or longitudinally. Waves can be periodic in which case those quantities oscillate repeatedly about an equilibrium (resting) value at some frequency. Cohesion Waves travel in the form of compressions and rarefactions in different mediums (solid, liquid, and gas) because they do not require large cohesive forces between molecules. This exhibition presents three commissioned essays that take us through the impact of the feminist waves globally, Regionally and in Syria, messages and newly commissioned artworks. Its content was co-created by 51 members of the Syrian Women’s Political Movement in the spring of 2022 and expresses their opinions.  

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Wave Touring Pack

If you’re interested in screening or hosting it Get in touch with ‘Wave’’s curator: Alma Salem via : a.salem@syrianwomenpm.org


Their Messages

Their Messages
A video Art in collaboration with (Warsha team, Hakawati) – Material coordination: Muna Kattoub.
Produced for Wave exhibition 2022 – The Syrian Women’s Political Movement

In this interactive work, the movement created a space for exchanging messages between Syrian women of all kinds, wherever and however they are, as a group of members began to write words with their pens. This video art aspires to become a work in progress and a space for participation. The opportunity to continue writing messages will remain open during and after the exhibition on the movement’s website.

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Their Moments - Geo location

Their Moments – Geo location – Video Art – Concept; direction, visual installation by the artist Zoya .

Material coordination: Muna Kattoub.
Produced for Wave 2022 – Syrian Women’s Political Movement.

About the artwork:
This video-art aims at evoking the absent members of the movement in the physical convening space.
In her visual installation created with the digital geo-locator technology entitled: “Their Moments”, the young artist Zoya takes us on a journey during which we meet with members of the movement in their locations in 20 countries around the world. In this video art members shared the geographical location of a moment that changed their lives combined with an intimate melody that is meaningful to them.

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Their Faces

Faces in Montreal

Their Faces – Political Kaleidoscope

Concept, Curator & Voice by Alma

– Video Art – in collaboration with (Warsha Team, Hakawati) –

Materials coordination: Muna Kattoub,

Produced for Wave 2022 – Syrian Women’s Political Movement

‘Wave’ exhibition tour to Montreal – Canada as part of the forum ‘Dance of resistance’
Co-curated by Dena Davida and Valerie Sabbah at Maison de la Culture de Notre-Dame-de-Grâce


Names by appearance on stage

Alma salem
Hoor Malas
Sona Pogassian
Nasim Lootij
Valerie Sabbah
Dena Davida
Muna Kattoub
Claudel Doucet
Valerie Sabbah & Claudel Doucet

“Men have always been the “social face” and the “political face”. This visual installation challenges masculine icons by highlighting the faces of a group of influencers in the Syrian Women’s Political Movement, carrying the pains and hopes in the details of their faces. In this video art we feel the energy of their presence and trace the impression of their faces in Syria’s collective memory – Alma”

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