The Syrian Women’s Political Movement statement on the escalations north and north-east of Syria


The north and northeast regions of Syria witnessed an escalating military operation started by Turkey bombing these areas in response to the recent bombing of Istanbul. Turkey accused the Democratic Union Party and the PKK of being responsible for the Istanbul attack though both later parties denied any ties.

Turkish President Erdogan has announced that Turkey will launch a military invasion at the time Turkey deems appropriate, and the military operations have escalated, causing fragmentation and displacement of civilians, and shattering, even more, the Syrian community.

In light of all this, the interfering and influential countries in the Syrian situation, including the guarantor countries in Astana and the Western coalition countries supporting the Autonomous Administration in the northeast, are unable to reach an agreement and are keen to protect their interests at the expense of Syrians.

We in the Syrian Women’s Political Movement believe that there is no solution for the Syrian’s case except for a comprehensive political solution and that this escalation of violence poses a threat to the already faltering political process, and constitutes a new threat to the unity of Syria and the unity of the Syrian people. the SWPM expresses as well, its concern, that this campaign will lead to a new mass displacement of civilians in that region creating a humanitarian disaster.

SWPM calls on all countries and the international community to work to end military operations, to return to the path of the political process, and for Syria not to be an arena for settling disputes between these countries and their internal problems. We also demand the complete neutralization of civilians from this violence until it is stopped, and that government installations, oil wells, and infrastructure that belong to all Syrian women and men should not be attacked. We call on all Syrians not to be dependent on the interests of non-Syrian powers or countries, and that the interests of Syria and the Syrian people determine their political positions and decisions for them.

The Syrian women’s political movement always stands for the rights of the Syrian people to a dignified and freedom and calls for prompting the political process forward, for a free state of full citizenship for all its citizens.



Long live Syria, land, and people


General Secretariat of the Syrian Women’s Political Movement

Friday 25 November 2022