consular meetings

April 16, 2021

What Social Contract Do Syrian Women Want?

On August 28th, 2020, The Syrian Women’s Political Movement (SWPM) released a policy paper entitled “Syrian Women’s Aspirations for a Just Social Contract, an Inclusive National Identity, and Sustainable Peace”.

April 16, 2021

No Return without Political Transition: Feminist Roadmap to Ensure Safe, Voluntary, Neutral, and Sustainable Return of Refugees and IDPs

This policy paper addresses the problem of the return of refugees as proposed by the regime and its allies, using it as a political bargaining chip that serves narrow political, economic, and geostrategic interests, without considering the humanitarian, legal, or gender dimensions, while turning a blind eye to the rights of refugees and IDPs and their gender priorities, all of which would guarantee their human dignity.

April 16, 2021

A Comprehensive Feminist Plan for Reconstruction in Syria with the condition of political transition

Reconstruction in Syria was discussed on international levels several months ago and is still subject to considerations of different states with varying interests, political orientations and strategic interests.