Our opinions
Sex and the Collapse of Society in Syria
Francois Raifa Zankih Sex defined as the process of communication […]
Final communiqué Syrian Women’s Political Movement Second General Assembly Meeting 2 May till 12 June 2020
The Syrian Women’s Political Movement (SWPM) held its second general assembly meeting virtually due to the outbreak of the Corona pandemic from May 2nd until June12th, 2020.
To establish a democratic and pluralistic State based on the principles of equal citizenship for all citizens regardless of their gender, race, religion, sect, geographic region or identity
Final Communiqué Syrian Women’s Political Movement First General Assembly Meeting 12-14 January 2019
The Syrian Women’s Political Movement (SWPM) held its first general assembly meeting in Frankfurt, Germany, from the 12th till the 14th of January 2019.
Syrian women are struggling in two revolutions
I think that having an official feminist political body like the Movement, in itself, is a step in the way of equitable political representation of Syrian women.
Woman’s political work is a natural right that she must have
Syrian women proved their competency in all fields, including the political field.
Peace Will Prevail at Syrian Women Hands
I was wholeheartedly with the idea of the revolution even before its eruption, because I have always dreamed of changing the dictatorial corrupt regime in Syria that oppresses freedoms.
Divorce in Patriarchal Societies
Francois Zankih Divorce is the separation of two persons who […]
How has illegal immigration negatively affected Syrian women
Francois Raifa Zankih The armed conflict in Syria began in […]
Three Faces of War on Women
*Ghaid Asaf 25November was declared an International Day for Elimination […]
Corona Pandemic in Syria
Francois Zankih In January 2019, the world witnessed the beginning […]
How Did the Syrian Women’s Political Movement Made, Despite the Corona Crisis, its Opportunity for Success
What counts for the SWPM is that it was among the few who managed to turn the Corona pandemic crisis into a chance for success added to its achieved successes since its founding in Paris in October 2017
What Social Contract Do Syrian Women Want?
Lina Wafaei, member of the Syrian Women’s Political Movement, member […]
A New Coronavirus Massacre Awaits Syrian Detainees
*Ghaidaa Assaf Activists to raise voices on possible Coronavirus massacre […]
Idlib Children and Bombing
“After that bloody day and the news of the bombing, the dead and the wounded, I saw my granddaughter carrying her doll, but she had removed her legs. I told her why she did that and she answered: ‘My doll was hit today and I now I’ve taken her from the hospital.’ I never thought…